: News items
Year 5&6 Gymnastics, by Mrs Roberts
Our First Day At Hapton, by Mrs Roberts
Little Lancashire Village, by Mrs Roberts
Hothersall Lodge 2024, by Mrs Saville
Exploring textures, by Hapton C.E/Methodist Primary School
Singing with Praise Along!, by Mrs Saville
Fun in the Snow!, by Mrs Roberts
Class 1's Christmas Performance, by Mrs Roberts
Pajama Day!, by Mr Saville
Remembrance Assembly 2023, by Mr Saville
MacMillan Coffee Morning, by Mrs Saville
Keyboard Lessons, by Miss Smith
Our First Week of School, by Mrs Roberts
Cooking for the Gods, by Mrs Roberts
Creating Photo Montages, by Mrs Roberts
Mourning our Queen, by Mrs Roberts
Cup of Tea with SLT, by Mrs Stockburn
Class Four Book Tasting, by Mrs Roberts
Spirited Arts Competition, by Mrs Leyland
KS2 Sports day, by Mrs Leyland
KS1 Sports Day, by Mrs Leyland
Hothersall Lodge residential, by Mrs Saville
5..4..3..2..1, by Mrs Roberts
Lancashire Storytelling Champions Bask in their glory..., by Mr Saville
Fun Science with 'Wacky Jackie', by Mr Saville