Staff Team
Mrs. Amourelle Leyland (Headteacher)
Kimberly Saville (Deputy Headteacher)
Teaching Team
Class 4 - Mrs. Kimberly Saville- English and Music Curriculum Lead
Class 3 - Mrs. Delizia Gastall - History, Geography & DT Curriculum Lead
Class 2 – Miss. Alexandra Bradley - PE, Art and Computing Curriculum Lead
Class 1 - Mrs. Joanne Roberts - Science and MFL Curriculum Lead
Learning Support Team
Class 4 – Mr. Ben Saville (KS2 P.E) and Mrs Emma Gregory
Class 3 – Mrs. Susan Brodie, Mrs Helen Thompson and Mrs Jackie Clarke
Class 2 – Mrs. Rachel Killoran
Class 1 - Mrs. Laura McKenzie
Family Learning Mentor (support for children and families) - Miss. Sophie Smith
SENCo - Mrs. Kimberly Saville & Mrs. Amourelle Leyland -
School Office Manager- Mrs Lindsay Wheeler
School Bursar- Mrs Sheralyn Wheeler
ICT support – Mr. Dave Fisher
DSL List
Mrs. Amourelle Leyland
Mrs. Kimberly Saville
Miss. Sophie Smith
Site Supervisor/Cleaning
Mr. Tom Brown
Mr. Kevan Brown
Catering Staff
Mrs. Jackie Gardener – Cook