DSLs in School
We are very lucky here at Hapton to have three trained Designated Safeguarding Leaders in school. They are Mrs. Leyland, Mrs. Saville and Miss. Smith. They can be contacted at any time with any concern for pupil safety and wellbeing, either by email or telephone the school office on 01282 771657.
More information can be found at
The relevant polices can be viewed on our policy page and they are;
Safeguarding Policy
Online Safety Policy
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass has been set up to provide early reporting to schools etc., about any domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of school hours to which a young person attending our school has been exposed, and which might then have an impact on their schooling the following day. This information will be shared throughout the year, including school holidays and the weekends. Information will only be shared with the school by the police where it is identified that a young person was present, witnessed or was involved in a domestic abuse incident. A nominated member of college staff, known as an Encompass Key Adult, has been trained to liaise with the police. They will usually be school Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and/ or deputy DSLs, they will be able to use information that has been shared with them, in confidence, to ensure that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children or their families. The Key Adults will keep this information confidential, and will only share it on a need to know basis, for instance, to teaching staff for the child or young person. It will not be shared with other school students. Operation Encompass was first introduced in Plymouth in February 2011, and has proved very effective in providing appropriate and timely support to young people affected by domestic abuse. This initiative has been implemented across the whole of the Lancashire Police area. If you would like some more information about it, you can view it online at We are keen to offer the best support possible for our pupils and a recent review of Operation Encompass showed that it is beneficial and supportive for all those involved.