Autumn 1 - Sound
Our first science topic of the year is 'sound'. We are exploring how sound is made, how it travels and why the word vibrations is important when learning about sound.
Science Flashback to 21/22.............................
Summer 1
This half term we have learnt that darkness is the absence of light and that you can measure the brightness of a room with a Lux meter ( we used the app LUX).
We measured the brightness of the rooms around school and compared them. We then learnt about reflection and how light only travels in straight lines.
We then also learnt what a shadow is and how it is made. We found out what opaque,translucent and transparent means and how they can affect a shadow of an object .
Spring 1
We have started this topic by looking at famous rocks from around the world and then we had the chance to investigate a variety of rocks in class. We were able to touch them,feel them and compare them using magnifying glasses and our own senses.
We found that not all rocks are the same, in fact we learnt that there are different types of rock and that they are formed in different ways over millions of years ?.
Autumn 2
Our topic this half term is 'Healthy Humans', we learnt what a balanced diet is, the importance of nutrition and we even compared the diets of other animals.
Autumn 1
This half term, we have been learning about what a 'force' is as well as how a surface causes friction. We also got the opportunity to explore magnetic forces and how a magnet can attract and repel.