We Love to Read in Class 1

In Class 1 every week we have ‘Book of the Week’, the books are usually chosen by Mrs Stockburn and will link closely with our topic for that half term. The children are encouraged read the book and then to write a book review. The children will answer questions like, ‘Who is the main character in the book’, ’What are the characters thinking and feeling’ and ‘What is the setting’. In Class 1 every week we have ‘Book of the Week’, the books are usually chosen by Mrs Stockburn and will link closely with our topic for that half term. The children are encouraged read the book and then to write a book review. The children will answer questions like, ‘Who is the main character in the book’, ’What are the characters thinking and feeling’ and ‘What is the setting’.



The children love to share books together in the book area! To help develop a love of reading in Class 1, we have encouraged the children to bring their favourite books from home into school to read together throughout the week they also get to talk about their book and say why they like it. This has increased the amount of times a child visits the book area during the week. The children loved Oliver’s book, ‘Alan’s Big Scary Teeth’. The children agreed that the book was funny and is cheeky as he doesn’t really have big scary teeth and he is tricking them.


Here are a few of the children’s favourite books that they have enjoyed reading in Class 1:
‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle,
‘The Tiger Who Came for Tea’ by Judith Kerr,
‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson and ‘Beowulf
'The Brave’ by Oakley Graham.

Hapton C of E/Methodist Primary School Manchester Road, Hapton, Burnley, BB12 5RF